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A Walk in the Park

Often we do not have to go very far to be in nature's sublime, peaceful surroundings. Parekklisia Beach Park is a five-minute walk from my apartment, a little oasis providing greenery and delightful flowers for everyone's enjoyment. A public garden is always a worthy project by town councils and local sponsors - thanks to Parekklisia's mayor, Socrates Pavlou, and the donors for this one.

From a distance, the pink butterfly gaura flowers featured below do resemble butterflies; at a macro level, not so much.

The delicate butterfly gaura blossoms in both pink and white flowers.

Also growing in abundance are fortnight lilies (dietes bicolor), composed of pale yellow petals; the brown markings on the petals are tinged with orange around the edge.

While photographing the Perez's sea lavender (limonium perezii) flowers, a crimson-speckled moth started to flutter among the blossoms. My patience in the burning sun paid off; the moth lighted and sat long enough for the lens to focus, which was nothing short of a miracle. What pretty, speckled wings!

In addition to sea lavender, society garlic (tulbaghia violacea) is a further lilac perennial with fragile, star-shaped flowers. They will soon succumb to the hot sun.

The light fragrance of the jasmine flowers pictured below is delightful in the breeze at this time of year. Spring has sprung, creating much beauty and cheer in the realm of nature.

I firmly believe that nature brings solace in all troubles. - Anne Frank

If you are feeling weary, take time out in the quietness and presence of God. He is what your anxious soul needs; He will give you what you need exactly when you need it.

The LORD also will be a refuge for the oppressed,

A refuge in times of trouble.

And those who know Your name will put their trust in You;

For You, LORD, have not forsaken those who seek You.

Psalm 9: 9-10


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